70Y/M (CKD)

C/o pedal oedama since 6 months
C/0 facial puffiness since 6 months
C/o breathlessness since 6 months 
C/0 abdominal distension 6 moths back. 

History of Present illnesses : 
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back, later he complained of 
• Pedal Edema : insidious onset, gradual progression
- Grade 2 
 -Pitting type 
  - Subsiding on medication (Lasix) 
 • Facial puffiness : 
 - Insidious onset, gradual progression, subsiding on taking medication 
 • Shortness of breath since 6 months:
 - Grade 3 ~> 4 ( Progressed to grade 4 in the past few days) 
 - Orthopnea + 
 - no c/o PND, Palpitations, Chest pain. 
  •Abdominal distension : 6 months back 

K/C/O Hypertension since 20 years. On medication ( Amlong 5 mg PO/OD) 

K/C/O DM since 20 years, on insulin.

Not a K/C/O TB, Asthma, CAD, Epilepsy 

Patient was taken to Hyderabad for the following complaints, where an abdominal USG was ordered, it's findings were : 
•right small kidney with altered parenchyma ? Congenital 
•bilateral simple renal cysts. 


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